Welcome to Ameriken Troll

800 F13K 00F

About Me

Be seeing YA SOON!!!!!!

Trolling and Stalking the gaming and internet Community

What is the difference between Trollinites and Trollians

If you don't know you are as stupid as we think you are.

My favorites

Probably Not You.  Pay the toll, get your smash on, and maybe we will become bff's.. probably not though!!

Special Shout Outs to Gaming Ghost Crews

Special Shouts out to:

TBYM - Rockstar .. ghost of Max Payne  Big Black D#*K is bad for your Health

187X -  Rockstar... The one and only the amazing original .. we know who the possers are

Rotten Bunch - Rockstar ... Popping headshots like throwing hotdogs down a hallway